A great way to help your kids

We are always hearing about how important it is to insure our own lives and income, but what about insuring our children’s?

How would your adult child and their family survive financially in the unfortunate event of an accident or an illness that prevented them earning an income for an extended period of time?

Income protection, TPD and trauma insurance are often not a consideration to a young family in today’s financial climate with many struggling with mortgage repayments, education spending and increased living costs.

But what would be your role if your child and their family were suddenly without an income? Without adequate insurance how would they cope?

What if you had helped your child to buy his or her first home and that child suffered a long term-illness or disability? How would that affect you if they couldn’t make the repayments?

Here’s a scenario…
Alan and Joanne’s married son Tim was involved in a car accident, sustaining an injury that prevented him from working for two years. Unfortunately, Tim did not have income protection or accident insurance.
The bank foreclosed on his mortgage and Tim and his young family were forced to move in with Alan and Joanne. Eventually, Tim recovered and was able to return to work.

Aside from the emotional impact on Tim and his family, Alan and Joanne’s retirement plans were seriously compromised. Joanne’s health deteriorated due to the extra stress of the situation and
she was diagnosed with severe depression.

What could Alan and Joanne have done differently?
They could have asked Tim if his income was covered in the case of an unforeseen illness or injury and knowing that the young family were putting all of their spare cash into their mortgage, they might have offered to help pay for adequate insurance cover.

Even if you are not in a position to contribute to the cost of their insurance, raising the issue with your adult children and encouraging them to talk to a financial professional could be some of the best
guidance you could ever give them. Always remember to contact us if you have any queries with what you have read.

General Advice Disclaimer

This article contains general advice only, which has been prepared without taking into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any person. You should, therefore, consider the appropriateness of the information in light of your own objectives, financial situation or needs and read all relevant Product Disclosure Statements before acting on the information. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the material, Paradigm Strategic Planning or WealthSure Financial Services Pty Ltd will not bear responsibility or liability for any action taken by any person, persons or organisation on the purported basis of information contained herein. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no person, persons or organisation should invest monies or take action on reliance of the material contained herein but instead should satisfy themselves independently of the appropriateness of such action.

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