3 tips for talking money with kids

Aussies may have a natural reserve when it comes to talking money. But as parents, it’s important to teach our kids to be financially aware. There are all sorts of […]

Are you a financially compatible couple?

When you first start seeing someone, it’s completely understandable that your focus is on whether you’re romantically compatible. But as the relationship becomes a long-term one and perhaps even a […]

2021-22 Federal Budget Analysis

On 11 May 2021, the Government handed down the 2021-22 Federal Budget. Whilst this marked a return to the traditional timing of the budgetary processes, the content of the 2021-22 […]

Planning for your children’s financial independence

There are no two ways about it – raising a family is expensive. But did you know that some of the biggest costs come in later years, once your children […]

Wealth creation using superannuation – a case study

Back in the days of “normal” interest rates the simple answer to the question “what do I do with any surplus savings?” was “pay off debt”. That’s still a sound […]

What is the pension loan scheme?

Approximately 1.8 million Australian homeowners receive some level of age pension, with around 700,000 on a part pension. What many of these part-age pensioners may not know is that, along […]

The value of financial advice when tragedy strikes – a personal story

The story below was written by one of our long-time clients Kelly Exeter who lost her husband Anthony (Ant) in a freak accident two years ago. It is rare but […]

Budgeting for baby: What you need to know

If you’re looking at starting a family, the cost of raising kids might not be your first thought. But the sooner you start budgeting and saving for your life together, […]

Can you save 1 million dollars for retirement?

One of the most common questions we’re asked as financial advisors is “How much do I need to save up before I can retire?” With so many variables involved, there […]

Joining finances with a partner – the benefits and pitfalls

If things are getting serious with your partner, is merging your finances a natural next step? Being open about money is pretty important in a successful relationship. Secret spending and […]

4 Fabulous Financial Resolutions to set you up for 2021

If you’re like us, this final week of January is a time where you’re back in the swing of work after some Christmas/New Year downtime. With kids going back to […]

How to usefully reflect on 2020

In uncertain times, it can be easy to get caught up in what ‘might’ happen and thus miss the chance to reflect on what ‘did’ happen and the lessons you […]

Do new rules for credit cards impact you?

In order to protect card users, credit card providers are subject to stringent rules. Here’s a round-up of the most recent ones that have been put in place: Credit card […]

Room to rent? Read this first

Renting out a spare room can be a great way to earn some extra cash, particularly with the help of Airbnb and similar online services. However, it’s easy to overlook […]

Are low interest rates good for home buyers?

It goes without saying that homebuyers love low-interest rates. The lower the interest rate the less the mortgage repayments on a particular house, right? Well … maybe. Lower interest rates […]

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